Wednesday, May 30, 2012

There are things beyond our control. A point in our lives where people had to leave for them to grow. That exact moment where you've held on their strings for so long, took care of them and guided them, and you just have to let loose for them to fly on their own.

A part of you is sad because you have to let go but at the same time you're happy for them that finally the world can see what you have seen for so long.

At this point I have no other recourse but to detach myself to avoid hurting myself any further.

Why have I not gotten used to this?

Friday, May 4, 2012

"Let's stand under a tree," she said
"Because its nicer"
"Maybe you should sit on a chair, and I'll stand above you, like they always do with husbands and wives"
"That's stupid"
"Why's it stupid?"
"Because we're not married"
"Should we hold hand"
"We can't"
"But why?"
"Because people will know"
"Know what?"
"About us"
"So what if they know?"
"Its better when it's a secret"
"So no one can take it from us."

- The History of Love, Nicole Krauss
"Sometimes I thought about nothing and sometimes I thought about my life. At least I made a living. What kind of living? A living. I lived. Its wasn't easy. And yet. I found out how little is unbearable."

- The History of Love, Nicole Krauss