Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The other day, I was beating myself up because I couldn't seem to form decent sentences for my cover letter. I've been work-less for a long time now, and to find something that I really really really want, I wanted to make sure that I give them the best impression of myself  but not overkill it. I had to really look back to what's written in my CV just to make sure that everything I write down do make sense once they evaluate my application. This is when I realize how hard it is to want something really really really bad, you'll not settle for good enough. And going through this process was the only time that I knew for sure that it is what I see myself doing years from now. Its nice to have that moment of clarity, its helps you put certain things in proper perspective. Remember, the only way to enjoy success is to work really really really hard for it and at it.