Saturday, March 30, 2013

TSP :)

The other day I finally got the chance to watch Teen Saint Pedro The Musical. Imagine they started staging September 2012 and I only saw it last Wednesday, March 27. What kind of a friend am I?!?! :))

Snippets from the play

Saint Pedro's life reminded me again of a life that is lived according to God's will. How he willing said YES to his mission is something I'd always pray I could be able to do on daily basis. Despite being in the YFC community for the past 9 years, its always a struggle for me to keep saying YES to God's missions and plans for me. To trust God of His plans for me. I know it sounds ridiculous but I believe that we, as a people have a tendency to be over-controlling of how our lives should be. Its hard to just follow what God wants us to do without knowing whats to come. Its really putting our faith in Him that He has our best interest and He always does. Saint Pedro died on his mission in Guam serving and being loyal to God, at the age 18, it is seldom to see teens with as much faith like his. I pray that one day, I could have a faith like His. Unfaltering despite the odds. Serving with so much love.

After watching the play, I reflected on my faith in God and how often I say YES to Him. How evident He is in how my life turns out to be. At a time where I am confused most of the time. I pray for God to enlighten me, on what's best for me. Relationship with God is all about communication. His love his manifested not only on YES-es but also on diversions God throws at us.

I might have stalled watching this musical and now I know why, because there couldn't have been a more perfect time but now, when I am starting to pick my pieces up and understanding my faith and myself even more. It is also an absolute perfect time to reflect about God's love, what Jesus' death means to us and our personal faith in the Lord.

On a last note, it's always nice to go back to one's roots. And this time its YFC :)

I love these girls! More than friends, we are sisters :)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

03102013 | One Esplanade
Because for every sunset, there is a tomorrow in the horizon. 
Life is being such a tease right now. On some days, its really good and on others it leaves me confused. I'm just thankful that there are still days, that I can slow down and say thank you, because despite of so many things going on, I am slowly finding my way out of the slump I am in. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Letting go is never easy, especially of something you've always wanted for so long.

It is a process, it takes time and a whole lot of effort. 

But it is only in letting go that you could be able to see other opportunities for you.What else you might like in the world that offers you every bit of everything.

Chasing after your own happiness, is as much of a process as it is of letting go.

You have to go through a bit of sadness, a bit of heartbreak and even a bit of disappointment.

It will be painful and at the same time worth it.

Letting go gives you that, the satisfaction of the little pain and the chance to be happy.