Monday, September 9, 2013

First Week.

So I just had my first ever week for my first ever legit job. Yup. I have been doing work here and there for short periods but now, thankfully I have a contract to hold and a job for the next 6 months at least.

The word 'busy' doesn't even start to describe my first week. When I came in the office last Monday, little did I know that we'll have an actual event that Wednesday. Wild. I was forced to learn how they do things as I do them. I was like a kid thrown in the pool and had to learn to swim on my own.

Here's a few things I realized on my first week. The things I might hold on to, for a really really long time.

1. It is important to have a working relationship but not as important as having a personal one. Meaning I don't have to get attached to every single person in the office but its a must to create relationships for a harmonious work environment. From the officemates to the suppliers.
2. The people you deal with has different personalities. It is up to you on how to deal with them. My suggestion though is to not just 'tolerate' them. Do your part, stand up for yourself if you must but always go for the more peaceful route. Again, remember to have a healthy working relationship. If you cant keep anything to yourself anymore, vent it in the proper place.
3. Endure. Endure long hours of work, the mountain of work, the sleepless nights. Somehow in the end, you'll be happy to see the results of a job well done.
4. Everything has its own pros and cons. Its just a matter of looking at it with the right perspective. Never let the negative over power the positive.
5. If it doesn't satisfy or serve you anymore, leave. Theres no use of pushing yourself too hard for things thay doesn't make you happy.
6. There are still a lot of things to know. What is taught in school is never enough. It just guides you on what to do or at the very least what to expect. Remember experience is the best teacher so never be afraid to experience new things.
7. In the real world, shit gets real and you only have yourself to depend on. Make sure you have 0 room for error and if you commit mistakes learn from it.
8. Never let the words of colleagues affect you, if shes going over board, put her in her place. Remember your well-being is still of utmost importance.

So heres to the next few months and what it may bring. For now, I'll go ahead and experience more.

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