Sunday, December 30, 2012


More lows than highs. 
More confusion than clarity. 
More doubts than certainty. 

There are just so many things you can never foresee
My life has never been what I see in my head
Instead its more of what life gives me
And I try my best to make it work.

Nevertheless, here's to the year of struggle.
For all the things I discovered about myself.
For being a tad bit wiser and a tad bit better.
Most importantly being challenged to be ME.

I felt that this year, the insides of me died.
And in every death there is a beginning.
Here's to what's in store in 2013.
I claim it to be MY year, by hook or by crook.

I pray for Clarity. Patience. Acceptance. Perseverance. Faith.
May it be a completely different and absolutely thrilling 2013!


. The constants. Couldn't be any more grateful for them. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Great food. Even better company. 
Christmas Traditions. Exchanging gifts. 
It really is more fun to celebrate holidays with the family. 

Friday, December 21, 2012

So I haven't written anything here for quite sometime and it really has been a crazy month actually. Having spent 2 weeks in the school where my sister teaches watching over the little kids and seeing them play and dance and prepare for their Christmas party. There's endless partying and shopping in between also. I just got down from a quick trip to Baguio, to witness my friends' wedding. Weddings are my favorite events, I just love celebrating love and sharing these kinds of moments with the people we love. If there's anything that this month has taught me, its the importance of the little things in life. Seeing people you haven't seen for a long time; reconnecting with old friends; having fun with family and friends. This life may always be crazy but in between are more subtle moments where we can just take in everything and still see the beauty of life. My life hasn't been really good not exactly ideal in fact, but yet, I still find it beautiful. It is beautiful because of the people I have in it. It is beautiful because of the many things that happens a midst the craziness of it. It is still beautiful because inspite and despite everything, I can still feel, witness, and the most important of all share love. Its Christmas in a few days, and isn't  it that Jesus' birth is the best symbol of how much God loves us?  So I hope that in between the crazy traffic, last minute shopping and partying this holiday season may we not forget to share the love that has been given to us. It really is the main reason why we are celebrating it anyway.

As I'm writing this down and I reflect on so many things in my life, I guess its time to reconnect with my faith once more. No better way to celebrate the holidays than realizing what it really is for.