Sunday, December 30, 2012


More lows than highs. 
More confusion than clarity. 
More doubts than certainty. 

There are just so many things you can never foresee
My life has never been what I see in my head
Instead its more of what life gives me
And I try my best to make it work.

Nevertheless, here's to the year of struggle.
For all the things I discovered about myself.
For being a tad bit wiser and a tad bit better.
Most importantly being challenged to be ME.

I felt that this year, the insides of me died.
And in every death there is a beginning.
Here's to what's in store in 2013.
I claim it to be MY year, by hook or by crook.

I pray for Clarity. Patience. Acceptance. Perseverance. Faith.
May it be a completely different and absolutely thrilling 2013!

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