Monday, January 28, 2013


Friendships just like any other is a 2-way street. You can't be friends with someone who doesn't want to be yours. You see, in any relationship there is, give-and-take, which helps you both grow in the relationship and as people. Once you feel the other is slipping away, you feel wary and try to talk things over and work some things out. Friendships just like relationships should never be forced. It should come naturally for two people who genuinely enjoy each other's company despite your difference. So if you feel like you give way too much with you not getting anything back, maybe its time for you to start re-thinking your relationship. Never be blinded by the label of 'friend' or 'being friends with', because really, if you love yourself, you have to get away from your toxic relationships. Even if you're friends with the richest and most powerful, that wouldn't matter if you don't get enough of the relationship. Not that you should be asking for anything but sticking with those that takes you for granted, makes you look at yourself, lesser than who you truly are.

Remember the people closest to you, influence who you become. Make sure you surround yourself with only the people who can make you better.

Monday, January 21, 2013

I haven't written anything here for quite some time. I exactly don't have anything to share anyway, but I felt that for the past few days, life has been good. It continuously gives me reasons to smile and look forward to a new day and just be happy. It may not be how I exactly want it to be at the moment, but surely, I can say that everything will eventually fall in its proper place and for now, I just need to remind myself that I am blessed and that good things are bound to happen.

Attracting positive thoughts for positive outputs :)

Monday, January 7, 2013

Saw this in the mail tonight. It was nice to receive handwritten letters but it was better knowing that I have a friend that I could count on, despite time and distance, someone that will never judge and someone that believes in me and inspires me to be better and go after the life I deserve.