Monday, April 1, 2013


Its often too hard to find yourself in this world, to find your place. We often get caught up with the hustle and bustle of things, with the demands of the society we live in. But we need to find our little corner in this big place. We need to have a place where we can always get back to and be ourselves. We sometimes let the world consume us that we forget who we really are. Before going out battling in the world, go in first, know your strengths and weakness like any warrior does. Work around it. Its not always facing the battles head on, but its more on learning how to face it. You can only be victorious in a land of temptation when you are sure with the weapons you are using and with the way you play the game. It may frustrate you that you are not this and that, but isn't it more important that you are YOU. Accept yourself for who you truly are. Embrace it. Then let the world see the warrior that is you.

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