Friday, August 30, 2013

Answered Prayer

I sometimes wish I could see how my life is from up top. Sometimes, I wish I had better control on things that I was going to happen to me. Then I realize, that life isn't really how we see it. We could only see up to a certain distance and at some point we are lead to detours. We face fork roads & crossroads. I grew up in an environment where as much as things were heavily dependent on you, it is as well, I understood, that my life has a grandeur scheme, that was designed especially for me. Recently, I was reminded that the big guy up there, was in control of my life. I had to trust Him and that all He needed for me was to be ready to face what was headed my way. There are moments in ones life, when you just stop and thank the Lord. I believe this is one of those moments, where all I can say, was Thank you God, for making a way for me. Now, let me kick ass ;)

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