Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Year That Was

I don't know where to begin my year-end closer for this year. Too many things happened, too many thoughts realized and right now, I couldn't feel any more blessed and happy with where I am. May not be the best place as of the moment, but definitely better than before.
Two years post college, I had the chance to experience what real life is. This year, the questions such as what to wear and whats the name of that guy on the other side of the room seemed too trivial. This year, I had a first taste of being a legit big girl out in the wild trying to survive. My petty problems all of a sudden became big girl obstacles. Whats the best fit work, what am I still doing here, why am I here in the first place etc.
2013 was a leap of faith, more than anything it asked me to learn to trust. Trust myself and what I am capable of and more improtantly to have my faith secured in God and his promises in my life. But apart from this, what made it better was the chance to get in touch with myself. It is when I finally realized what I want for my life, why I don't need to settle for what is present and instead seek for what I truly deserve.
Personally though, I believe that what really set this year apart was the abundance of people I met along the way. Those that really made this year colorful. New acquaintances and friends, reconnecting with the old ones and staying true to the ones that never left. Forgiving those that has caused me pain and starting over again. This year, was more than the things I was able to do or those that O was able to acquire. This year, went past moments and instead are full of memories.
Looking back, this year wasn't perfect not even close but thats what makes it even more meaningful, the effects it has left us with, the longing to be better, to want more than what we had and we have the lessons from years past to guide us along the way.
So heres to the memories made, the scars and bumps along the way. And may the coming year be even better than 2013. Cheers! ;)
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Thursday, December 5, 2013

It truly is the month of December. 

People associate this month with goodness. People tend to be more generous of sorts. 

This week, I've had car problems for 2 different days. On each instance, a stranger, didn't even blink to extend me some help. That maybe the upside of not having a tinted car, people notice how helpless you are inside the car. Truthfully though, I was hesitant to take any help from strangers. With the endless possibilities of what might happen and me looking extremely lost, I could easily be taken advantage of. But I was fortunate enough to have really good people come to my rescue. 

Maybe that's what this month brings to all of us, we get to be a little more giving. We tend to be hopeful. We tend to be more loving. I for one, had a renewed faith in people. Somewhere deep down, people, are innately good. Sad thing is, this may also be because of what we call the 'Christmas Spirit'. I hope not, because really what is the point of celebrating Christmas if we afford to do at least 1 good deed a day. 

And, btw, I now owe you two, universe.

Monday, December 2, 2013

So I guess its true what they say, that when the lights close and the dust settles, thats when you feel the most. Happiness is measured by moments. Joy is the peace in your heart. Find the latter.

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