Wednesday, July 27, 2011

When do you really stop loving and start moving on?
When are you really ready to see someone you love(d) with someone they love?

I long told myself that I'm done, I'm happy we're friends and I'm just enjoying what we have, but then a day comes when the whole world goes against what you've taught yourself to feel and believe for a couple of months, a conspiracy against your true emotions.

One day, in just a day, everything seemed normal again, everything just turned out for us. No feeling could compare to the feeling of holding your hand and being in your arms again. No person could ever make me smile that way, no one could make me feel that safe. Being with you, seemed like the best option, us being together. 

How can I feel this for you after what you've done to me? 

I am not sure if I am just making myself more vulnerable to pain of losing you, AGAIN. More vulnerable to being taken for granted. Is this another one of your acts to make me want you again? I don't know. What I do know is that what I feel for you is genuine and true. Just remember that again, you'll always be special in my life. I'll always look after you, I'll always be here for you. I've always questioned your intentions because I know I have a strong feeling towards you and putting that distance would allow me not to hurt myself as much as you could. So for now, I'll just enjoy us and let's just see where life takes us. :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Ultimate All-Star Weekend Experience :)

I've been watching basketball ever since I was in second grade. Yes, I watch all possible basketball leagues. For a time, I've lost interest in basketball, distracted with other things and in recent years, I've once again discovered the love for the sport. For quite sometime, I've been following most of the basketball leagues here in the country. From the PBA - NCAA - UAAP both juniors and seniors at that and as well as the NBA :)

A few weeks ago, I  've heard one of the most awesome news in the Philippine Basketball scene, some NBA superstars are going here in the country to play ball. I mean the likes of D.Rose, Kevin Durant and Chris Paul!!! You must be kidding me right? But no, it was fo'real and the best thing about it was, Kobe, who wasn't originally included in the list also came in town. I mean seriously?!?! I couldn't miss this for the world. I MEAN, SERIOUSLY, FOR A BASKETBALL ENTHUSIAST LIKE ME, THIS IS A MUST. I MEAN I REALLY SHOULD WATCH THIS!

I remember messaging my friends and looking for tickets until the very last minute. Oh good Lord, thank you for friends, and for the last minute tickets. We really thought that we only had Upper A standing tickets, but who cares, we'll take it anyway, but lo and behold we actually had good good tickets. Upper A Row B!!!

It felt surreal seeing those players in Araneta! I mean seriously, when could that ever happen AGAIN. And what's the craziest thing that happened that night, it was a spectacular show. IT WAS THE MOST AMAZING BASKETBALL EXPERIENCE THAT I'VE EVER HAD. It tops the couple of championship games I've seen from the PBA to UAAP to NCAA. It just tops every single thing. From the three point shots, drives and dunk. It was just a crazy crazy crazy experience.

Obviously I'm still on the SMARTUltimateAllStarWeekend high but yea, who can blame me, IT WAS ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED. SPEECHLESS ON HOW GREAT THAT NIGHT WAS.