Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ms. Universe 2011

We've all been raving about Ms. Universe 2011 and how great Ms. Philippines was and that she deserved a higher rank. Well in the end, its still great that she made it to Top5 and she was 3rd runner-up though despite it all she really deserved to win the crown. Most of the tweets, said that she had the best answer of all the 5 and yet she still placed 4th. 

During dinner, my family was talking about her answer and I came to realize that, maybe the reason why she really lost was not because her answer sucked but her answer might be offensive to other people. Our upbringing as Filipinos was centered on God and how we put Him on top of everything but on this day and age, how many are comfortable in declaring to the whole Universe that they do love God and all the more how many are comfortable in hearing that. In the society that has embraced same-sex marriage and abortions how do we now view the answer that she said. 

When she made to Top 5 I knew for a fact that it was hers to lose, I mean c'mon, the girl was just exuding with confidence, she was just glowing out there. Personally, I think she out-staged all of her competition and yes, her smile was infectious. When I heard they announce her as 3rd I was disappointed, no I was devastated and you know why, because I really thought that she would eventually win the crown if not, at least the 1st runner-up but no, the judges decided that the three other girls deserved the place better. Well yes, Ms. Angola surely did but Ms. Brazil and Ukraine I don't think so. 

So what made the difference? That despite answering in such a graceful, very well-thought of manner she still didn't win the prestigious crown. Lets be honest, I don't think her question was one that you actually practice during the pre-pageant preparation. Well, I think it was the response of the judges to her answer, in short their personal bias that made the difference. We, as God-centered individuals appreciate her answer but what about those who doesn't believe in God or at the very least uncomfortable with this topic? We can't say the same for them. After all, beauty pageants and life in general, are all based on an individuals' perception. Was the response of the judges to Shamceys answer the same way that we did, 'cause if it was so then I think it would have turned out differently. 

But despite it all, I am still proud of her. Making it to the Top 5 is a big achievement. She made  me proud to be a Filipina. She represented us, especially Filipina women in a very elegant and intellectual manner. The fact that some of the contestants actually thought that she should have won should be more all the more reason for us to be proud of her, because she truly did made everyone want to be just like her, a Filipina in that hour, in that moment. 

And since, I'm talking about BEAUTY pageants here let me share my take on beauty. Yes. You can be beautiful and smart at the same time o plus the fact that we should truly embrace your natural color. Hello, being white won't make you beautiful and being dark doesn't and will never make you ugly. Being beautiful is not based on your skin color and not even you hair color, it is  based on how you think and carry yourself that would make you one. And remember that being truly beautiful doesn't end in having a perfect body, or that drop-dead gorgeous looks, you should also be SMART whether it be book or street smart or even better, both. Yes. Your brain actually adds to your beauty. So yea, be yourself, embrace your imperfections own them, be curious and you'll be the most beautiful person that you truly are. 

MCV. :)

Monday, September 5, 2011

On Dressing Up...

Last night we went to a debut of a family friend and I must say I realized a lot of things. Okay. May times talaga na judgemental ako on how people look and stuff pero kasi minsan hindi mo mapipigilan lang talaga eh. May mga damit lang talaga na sadyang eye-sore lang talaga. So ito na nga, through-out the night, my sister and I scrutinized almost every single guest dun sa debut. Yes. Admittedly I also have my sablay days in dressing up but that rarely happens. Pero seryoso kasi yung iba talaga hindi na talaga forgivable yung suot eh. Anyway, here are some of the things that I realized last night:

1 - Shoes will ALWAYS ALWAYS make or break your outfit. I'm always keen at looking at a persons' shoe. And here's where my obsession for shoes comes, but more than that, it really is the first thing I notice in person, the shoes they're wearing. So obviously, half the time spent people-watching last night was looking at their shoes, and I should say that statement is true. A simple back dress paired with the perfect statement shoes is better than an overrated dress with a poor choice of footwear. And OMG. I do not get why men actually wore chucks to the event. First, its in a hotel and a 5-star hotel at that so please naman, have the decency to wear something that looks kinda formal. 'wag naman yung over-used chucks mo na color red. Mahiya ka naman sa dress code which leads me to my next realization

2 - There's a purpose for dress codes. The debut was a FORMAL EVENT and it was in a HOTEL. Please. If you don't have a gown or something have time naman to look for at least a dress, a simple black dress would do okay, don't go there naman in your shorts and top lang. mahiya ka naman dun sa nag invite. Dress for the occasion at least. I mean if not for the occasion at least for the venue. Tapos ito pa yung winner yung date mo naka jeans lang. OMG. yung totoo, napadaan lang kayo. And and yung given na wala na kayong coat pero 'wag naman kayo magdark jeans lang siguro naman may black pants kayo at may black shoes diba? I guess, we've all been through grade school and high school that asks us to wear black shoes diba? Yesyes, looking good entails sacrifice lalo na if you're not comfortable with black shoes, but its just a night and its for a friend, can't you make that sacrifice, atleast? I mean pinakain ka na nga eh, punta ka naman dun ng presenatble ka sa pamilya at ibang kaibigan ng kaibigan mo. Minsan lang naman eh, minsan lang :) Sorry. It really gets to me kasi when people don't dress up for the occasion ako yung nahihiya for them. And as what I've said there's a reason for dress codes and for you not to follow it is such a disappointment.

3 - This one hindi mashado related to how you look but this ALWAYS ALWAYS get in my nerves, please naman if you're a girl don't let your boyfriend bring your purse for you lalo na pagsuper liit lang naman nung bag mo. At ikaw lalake, please lang, hindi ka magmmukhang gentleman pagginawa mo yun, seriously mukha ka lang tanga na nagbubuhat ng bag ng girlfriend mo. Forgivable pa kung yung bag yung super bigat na backpack or kung training bag or something pero yung hand bag na maliit lang, please naman kung babae ka buhatin mo na yung bag mo. Ano wala ka bang shoulder or even a hand to hold your bag. Gamit mo yun panindigan mo naman yun. Seriously, it just annoys me seeing men whose carrying a sling back.

So there enough of the rants. Would love to post what I wore last night but then the pictures are still with my sister and I'm too lazy to get it from here. So yea.

MCV. :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Strange Things Happen For A Reason

Have you seen Cars 2? If no then what are you waiting for? Go ahead and watch it. Personally, I think Cars is the better movie of the two for the very reason that this movie talks more to the adults than to the kids. Yes the cars are even cooler, but the story isn't really child-friendly just as much as Up is. So after watching Cars 2 I've realized or should I say affirmed me of things. 

Its funny how we all of a sudden meet some people that adds more color to our life. Funny how God brings about people in our lives to make us stronger; people from where we realize our shortcomings and help us become better versions of ourselves. This usually happens in the most unexpected time and yes with the most unexpected people. Whether we be in classroom, organization, or just randomly met someone we often meet one person who we get so comfortable with as if we've known them all our lives and gives us the biggest slap in the face and wakes us up from our slumber and bring us back to reality. And truth be told, these are the people that we do not expect to be close to. These are the people that God had intentionally given us, made sure we cross paths with them and experience the different kind of friendship that He wants us to share with everyone else. They are that one person outside our clique, the person that breaks the monotony in our life every so often. The one person that when everything suddenly falls apart would help you pick-up your pieces. 

Sometimes, we should not be afraid of going out of our comfort zones, knowing places and people. Strangest things happen in the most unexpected time and place; most of the time, these experiences has the most impact in our lives. Learn to explore the world we live in, know more people and experience things for the first time. Let strange be strange and you'll see you'll be in the place you wanna be, not the strangest place but the place that you initially wanted to be in.