Thursday, September 1, 2011

Strange Things Happen For A Reason

Have you seen Cars 2? If no then what are you waiting for? Go ahead and watch it. Personally, I think Cars is the better movie of the two for the very reason that this movie talks more to the adults than to the kids. Yes the cars are even cooler, but the story isn't really child-friendly just as much as Up is. So after watching Cars 2 I've realized or should I say affirmed me of things. 

Its funny how we all of a sudden meet some people that adds more color to our life. Funny how God brings about people in our lives to make us stronger; people from where we realize our shortcomings and help us become better versions of ourselves. This usually happens in the most unexpected time and yes with the most unexpected people. Whether we be in classroom, organization, or just randomly met someone we often meet one person who we get so comfortable with as if we've known them all our lives and gives us the biggest slap in the face and wakes us up from our slumber and bring us back to reality. And truth be told, these are the people that we do not expect to be close to. These are the people that God had intentionally given us, made sure we cross paths with them and experience the different kind of friendship that He wants us to share with everyone else. They are that one person outside our clique, the person that breaks the monotony in our life every so often. The one person that when everything suddenly falls apart would help you pick-up your pieces. 

Sometimes, we should not be afraid of going out of our comfort zones, knowing places and people. Strangest things happen in the most unexpected time and place; most of the time, these experiences has the most impact in our lives. Learn to explore the world we live in, know more people and experience things for the first time. Let strange be strange and you'll see you'll be in the place you wanna be, not the strangest place but the place that you initially wanted to be in. 

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