Thursday, December 1, 2011


Disclaimer: This post is full of random thoughts. Forgive me. These are ideas/ thoughts I've wanted to write the past few days but I haven't had the chance to. I will divide this post into 4 lets see how this post turns out. 


A right thing is and always will be THE right thing but a wrong thing accepted to be right, well that's a whole different story.When does this even happy? Could this be even possible? A right thing is BUT right while the wrong one can go either way, it just depends on how you look at the situation. Sometimes just saying the flat out truth and talking about it is better than making the person feel better about themselves while you make yourself feel better think that you're such a good person for what you've done. Okay, I won't go preachy but really what I'm trying to say is that do we really want to live our lives in shortcuts, in thinking that the wrong thing is the right thing because that's the easier way out, or are we going to be man enough, be courageous and keep on doing things the right way, no matter how hard it will be, who will get hurt and the little sacrifices that we have to do. Living our lives head on makes us even stronger and wiser, it somehow makes us feel that we are getting most in our lives. 


Have you ever felt that you have the world on your shoulder? Living day in and out with problems here and there. Well I guess, we've all been at that point in our lives and sometimes we're brave enough to lift of each of our problems and resolve it; but other times, we just push them away, pretend they don't exist. We go on, like everybody else on the surface all happy and jolly but deep within  we are crippled and broken. On bad days, someone strikes a memory from a previous pain, buried with joy in pretension and we are once again faced with our life's reality that we really carry more than we recognize and we feel doubly hurt because we thought that all along we've forgotten about it. The truth is, we just couldn't really let it go. We couldn't let go of many things in life despite the pain it brings for the happiness that it is associated with. We feel that as long as we hold on to that one thing in our life, we could be happy or at least be that happy, but of course we thought wrong because we just allow ourselves to feel the pain of the memory, of the things we can never have and of the things that we wished we had-- we are slowly being masochists, plotting our own depression. Honestly, it is in facing it, experiencing the pain until all of it is gone could we only feel lighter, that somehow we got rid of it, and as it cliche says, we could truly move on. It is in the realization of the gravity of things, the acceptance of the circumstance could we truly derive our strength from. We could be broken and broken things could never be like the original one but we should always remember that we can never live in the past but rather we should be living in the moment and realizing each moments' potential of pain, sorrow, suffering and most importantly joy. 


Sometimes, we make our decision based on our emotions while at other it is based on our rationalization of things. We plan things but it didn't exactly go as planned and it turns out something better was in store for us. Sometimes, we only think of how much fun it would be for ourselves that we forget that we have more responsibilities to other people. We have to realize that one thing doesn't happen not because it was a bad idea but because it only does good to a few people. We have this notion that we have to look far to find our joy, our peace of mind, our purpose but in truth all we need is right in front of us. Besides our happiness and the reason behind all of those are just the same, we just mature and think differently from time to time but ultimately deep inside we still have the same formula for happiness, satisfaction and peace in our life. We just have the tendency to look at things from a different view and in a different perspective but in reality it is just the same.


We are all looking for answers. Everyday we have a new question about our life, sometimes the answer is right in our faces but we still couldn't take it in.afraid of the unknown. We sometimes get too scared to step out of our comfort zones, afraid of what lies ahead unto the unknown. We have a picture of ourselves in our mind and yet we are scared on how we will get there. It is more than frustrating for one, but you know what's amazing, is when we get affirmation in weirdest ways. That we will be alright, we have to believe in ourselves that we deserve it and make sure we don't sell our self short of what we truly are capable of. We get the sense of assurance that whatever we have to go through in our life we will be ready for it, ready to endure it. After all our heart's desire is the most important and living it will be a dream come true. It would be like the princess finally having her happily ever after. Sometimes, these affirmations, no matter how small and weird it is, it gives us the boost that we need to take the step of faith, to finally conquer our fears and chase the dream. It is in that simple affirmation, in simple words where everything big and grand starts. 

Life is just a matter of perception, how we plan to look at the things happening in our lives. We go through our own battles, no one lives the perfect life, but we could always picture our ideal life at how we want our lives to be spent. Our lives is designed to be beautiful, there maybe the occasional hurts and suffering but really who cares if we have more than half a day laughing until we cry, we all get to sit down and eat with the people that we love and just have fun and enjoy ourselves and the company of others. We just need to have a beautiful outlook in life to be able to live it beautifully. It is only us who can live our life and it is really in seeing the beautiful, in doing the right, in being courageous and fearless, sensitive yet strong, that we could be able to live our life the best way we could.

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