Tuesday, January 10, 2012


So last night, I read one of my closest college friend's year-end entry in her blog and it made me nostalgic of the good times I had with my classmates. I know its crazy, but the latter part of our college life, we literally missed each other despite seeing everyone everyday. Its the only time I knew that it could be possible, miss some people that much. Its crazy! Since we were all busy we barely got the chance to catch up and if we had the time too, we were too loud and that's the noise that I actually miss the most. These group of girls are the best friends one could have a mix of fun, smart, crazy college girls, everyday seemed like a normal day, that we all got a good nights sleep and we don't have a deadline in the next few hours. So let me introduce to you the people behind me, if not for them I wouldn't be who I am. Yes, as much as they are my college blockmates they are also the people who believed in me when I never did. 

My class! This was during the final rehearsals for graduation and our departmental picture taking.
Top Row (L-R): Cerina, Alex, Kikx, Ayra, Ria, Phoebe, Ann, Gelli, Ysche, Set Byul, Tiff, Fatima
Bottom Row: Me, Melinda, Kaiz, Marg, Bianx, Anne

Shakey's Katip. Its always where we eat out as a class even now, that we're done with school.
Clockwise (L-R): Alex, Bianx, Kaiz, Fatima, Gelli, Anne Tongo, Ann Marcos, Cerina, Ayra, Phoebe,  Tiff, Kikx, Ria

With my college barkada. I wouldn't know how and who I'll be without them!
Always making my day better and making me eat! :)
Clockwise (L-R): Marg, Marsha, Melinda, Frou, Ann, Me, Ysche, Anne 

With two of the people I spent my endless nights with. Tiff and Cerina

With my first friends in college ever! With Pia and Marsha

After Activate. One of the most stressful things we've done! The re-launch of MC's Communication Department. Congrats CA3!!! :)

Who would have thought we could actually play a decent basketball game.
Top Row (L-R): Sir David, Aizel, Me, Ayra, Cerina, Tiff, Bianca
Bottom Row: Anne, Marg, Gelli, Kaiz

After the awards night for Bidyo Fest 2010. (L-R) Bianx, Cerina, Ayra, Me, Gelli, Ms. Ethel

This maybe the most stressful of all time project we actually had to come up with. Our  short film that we were asked to make in 2 weeks. I'm proud of our production and I am even happier that we got recognized during the awards night. OMG. Who would have thought. And I'm just happy to have spent this moment with my CA3 loves.

Taken during our last field trip. This was inspired by ANTM's Petite Cycle, which btw, we were watching on the bus! I have crazy crazy classmates, believe me, and mind you this is just half of us.
Clockwise (L-R): Aizel, Ann, Fae, Gelli, Marg, Ayra, Cerina, Bianx, Anne, Marsha, Ysche

I wouldn't have been able to graduate from college without them. So many memories. We missed each other despite seeing them everyday, so what more now, that we don't even get to talk with each other. I read somewhere that goodbye's are meaningless and temporary. There's always a next time to see them around. So to my beloved CA3, I will see you again soon. Lets all relieve the good old days, until then, take care and God Bless!

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