Saturday, February 11, 2012

To My New Favorite Person. :)

To this one girl I've known since I don't know when.

Looking back at all the years we spent knowing each other, we were never really close. I mean not even in pictures. Those two pictures are from years ago, here are pictures from 2010!

And even when our YFC Family got smaller we still spent so much time apart. We had our different groups, lead different chapters and all of that BUT 2011 gave us a chance to be closer and I mean really close!!!

I've always believed that we meet people in our lives and some of them we could consider a friend while others just plain acquaintance, and I must say you were in the middle, we we're close enough to be acquaintances but not enough to be really friends. You get me? But then we call each other pet names, which I find really weird, well yea. There's a reason why we call each other LM right? :))

2011 has been a rough year and on the contrary it also had been one of the best years. 2011 proved to me that people do come and go but there also constants in one's life. C'mon we've known each other for years now, we don't talk as much and who would have thought that you would be the very first person I poured my heart out to. The very first person I actually had the courage to be truly honest to. That sleepover at Marie's and EK brought our friendship to another level. Nuxx.

So to my newest favorite person in the world, I just want to thank you for being there when I badly needed someone to talk to. I now know that when I feel that nobody could understand me, I just have to remember that I have you in my life and that and you give out the best, spot on advice that I need. Its wonderful to think how our friendship grew and how in each triumph and trial I've been through, you have been there. I love you, Mer! Thank you for being the friend that you are to me!!! I super appreciate all the random talks that we have. The DM's, Inbox and texts we send each other. Do know that I will always be there for you too anytime! :) Through the ups and downs. I will be there like how I was there on your first roller coaster ride, as they say, life is a roller coaster right? :p I have your back 100% in anything okay? :)

LM, just keep on writing, its nice to read your thoughts!!! (You guys better read her blog here! She's an awesome writer!) You are an inspiration to many especially to me, so just be the awesome person you truly are, the world needs to know you, the world needs someone like you!!! :) And as for the boys, they'll regret it one day. But seriously, one day you will have your own happy ending, for now you can be bitter and cynical towards love and I'll pray and wait with you as the right man comes and changes all your perception towards it. :p

Sorry if this doesn't really make sense, its almost 5am now (Feb 10) and I just wanna greet you a


love you to the moon and back, Meryl Ligunas. :)

1 comment:

  1. I don't even know how to begin my reply. You've put it so aptly. Our parents have always known each other and we've been acquainted for the longest time. But this past year changed everything. I never thought you'd be someone I would reveal so much of myself to. We're very different but it amazes me how much you're able to listen, more so understand me.

    In this entry, you gave me credit for so much when in fact I should be the grateful one. You're a great friend, confidante and sister. I take comfort in knowing you're always there and I couldn't be more grateful.

    Thank you for your kind words. For being generous with the compliments and always lifting me up, even without you knowing it. Thank you for your well wishes. I always feel your sincerity and concern.

    I wish you so much greatness and love, too. God doesn't ignore our efforts and I trust that it'll all happen in His perfect time. Until then, I don't have any complaints. I have the best friends in the world. I have you guys.

    This post shows so much of how this relationship has progressed. It blows me away how much so much has changed and how so much remained the same. Thank you for this, for everything.

    I'll always be here. I know you hear that a lot but it's a promise I intend to keep.

    I love you like crazy.
