Wednesday, October 12, 2011

From Me to You. :)

I've been thinking, reading and observing a lot of people lately. Let me start this in saying that, I am 20 years old and a college graduate. With my studies past behind me, I can't stop myself from asking 'Why are the young ones excited to grow up'. If I had it my way, I would prefer to still be in school; well, I studied early, didn't have grade 7 thus I graduated when I was 19 (a month and a few weeks short of turning 20); but then I just have to live my life like how life wants me to. And this leads me to my point in case for this particular topic -- Why do kids want to grow up so fast?

I'd like to believe that I have one of the best childhood experiences that I know of. I would spend countless of hours under the sun playing just about everything getting all sweaty and bruised up and it was fun! Now most of the things I played before doesn't even exist. Gone are the days of the magical chinese garter, jack stones and sungka in with the cellphones, iPod Touch/ iPad, Play Station and Xbox. It saddens me that childhood isn't the same anymore, it will never be the same.

I am sad to see kids, living off technology. I am disheartened that they don't get to experience the fun under the sun, the way you talk to your playmates and living in pretend life with your dolls and toy soldiers. They do get that in school I suppose but when at home, they miss the chance to connect to their siblings, to their parents. Lets all admit as much as there is good that technology gave us it also lessened our face-to-face conversations, it lessened our chance to explore the world. I pity those kids who spend all of their waking hours nerd-ing in front of the computer.

Another thing I wanna point-out, why do teenagers drink until they drop. Don't get me wrong, I know the fun you could have in drinking and getting drunk, but aren't you just too young to waste your organs for a "problem."  Personally, I've also had those days wherein I think, 'can I just drink this off?' I'm tempted to text a friend for me to have a drink with, but for some reason I don't pursue, first because drinking off my problems and issues won't solve it and second I think I can actually talk to a friend WITHOUT drinking. Alcohol is so intoxicating that it makes you do and say stuff that you don't normally say or do and its gives you such high and happiness that you wish it was forever a party and you'll be drinking all day. For those who could not resist drinking here's my take on it, drink to have fun and not to make papansin and be 'cool', your friends will love you even if you don't drink with them, especially if you don't want to. While you are at it, know your limits, stop when you know you can't stand straight anymore or even think straight! As fun as it is to laugh at a friend while she's doing crazy stuff it is as hard looking after them afterwards.

Here's another, can someone please explain to me why is there a fascination with having a boyfriend/ girlfriend at such a young age. I know its your life and its your heart that will be broken anyway so why do I even bother, but still, do you really think that it is fun to have a boyfriend/ girlfriend at your age when you can't even pass your tests? Boys and girls, I am 20 and I haven't had a boyfriend and yes I am not ashamed of it. I get it, the inspiration the boy or the girl gives you helps you to accomplish things and all of that but what if you suddenly have a rough patch or hit a relationship ending roadblock have you ever asked yourself if you  are emotionally ready for it? I just think that you're emotionally raw and young to deal with life's real problems when the only thing that you should be worried about it getting a high grade in your test and how to finish your homework.

Lastly, I did not learn to drive because I thought it was cool to own a car and drive myself everywhere like my friends did, but I HAD to learn how to drive. It was a need and not a want and besides I only learned how to drive after graduating from college. I've always believed that having your personal car meant added responsibilities. Cherish the times that your parents make you 'hatid-sundo' don't be ever ashamed that your parents still drive for you :) It just shows how much they love you and making them drop you off or pick-you up from a party or something is also a way of opening up to them, making them see your version of the world, unless your doing something to be ashamed of, then I suggest you just sleepover at a friends' house. I think that in order for you and your parents to have at least a good-working relationship, you have to make them understand your life as much as you have to make the effort to understand their decisions for you. Try letting your friends meet them and you'll see, your parents would trust you even more to go out with them.

You may say that I may be feeling the so-called generation gap right now, but no, I just think that I had so much fun during my childhood and living as a teen that I am able to say all of this. All the things that you do are of your choice and I respect that its just that you only have one life to live, so live it to the full. Live your life to the fullest of you. Explore your possibilities, besides you will never be as young as how you are at this very second, so make it count.

You are a teen, or maybe not, but embrace it; embrace your youth and all of the fun that goes with it. You can do numerous things in your life now that you may never have the chance to once you get older so make the most out of your life and stop trying to grow up. Once you are my age or your mothers' age I bet you'd wish that you are young again and once you make that wish, don't you dare say that you haven't been warned.

MCV. :)

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