Saturday, August 6, 2011

Looking in

The down time that I have now makes me think a lot about life, of how my life has been and how it will turn out. I am currently in one of the major crossroads in my life. I ended my life as a student months ago and now I'm stuck here at home waiting for things to happen. For things to go my way. Praying for patience to endure the wait and the discernment of what I really want for my life.

The down time that I have, made me appreciate all that I had before. The sleepless night that most of my classmates, including myself complained about and the times spent with friends laughing away as if there was no deadline set in the next couple of hours. Funny how we manage to underestimate the good things that we had in life. Looking at life, we never truly appreciate what lies in front of us, but rather we keep on looking toward the horizon and missing out the beauty of where we are now. This time I have in my hands have helped me appreciate work and all the things that go with it. I am not a workaholic but all I want is to make the most out of myself and to help the people around me. I'm also able to look back on things that happened to me in the past.  am a person of no regrets but then there are just things hat I wish, I did differently, no I am not gonna re-do it because my life turned out to be crappy but I am going to re-do it for myself. But those things have taught me a lot and one of those is to always pic-up our self. We should never be afraid to make room for mistakes because it is truly through that, that we learn. You see, because of the things that has been happening to me, I tend to question myself and how I do things in my life. It even made me question my own dreams and goals in life. Life seems to have a conspiracy against my future but then I am always humbled by the fact that God has a better plan for me, in the right time when I am ready, He will give it to me.

So at this moment while waiting for my chance at life and continue on with this journey, I am still thankful for all the beautiful blessings that He has given me and appreciate the time I get to enjoy myself and know myself even more. When the time is right, better things are bound to happen! :)

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