Saturday, July 7, 2012

9 Years and A Month

With my beloved YFC MTQ
If there was one thing about this chapter meeting that assured me it would be these:

1. Service to God doesn't end in YFC 
2. I am leaving my YFC Family to a set of great people whose hearts and passion are to serve Him
So today, I officially said goodbye to YFC-MTQ. I didn't realize how hard it would be to actually say that it would be the last meeting that I'd be in as their chapter head. I've longed prepared for this and when I was about to do it words don't wanna escape my mouth.

I've been in the community for 9 years and most of my days if not spent in school and/ or with my family, it is with my YFC family. They have been my comfort zone, they're the people that the moment I see them, every ounce of problem goes away. It is in these people that I see how much God loves me and how great God really is.

For the past 9 years, God has continually shown me His greatness through my YFC family. Most of my values are centered in what I have gained in my journey as a YFC. I am not the person I am today if not for the people that I served with.

YFC was my life and tonight, just like that, I am walking away from it only bringing with me life lessons and memories with the best set of people God could have blessed me with.

Today, is the beginning and an end. An end to a wonderful journey in serving God and at the same time, today marks the start of my next mission, what this is, not exactly sure, but I'm keeping my faith awaiting for what comes next.

"To YFC-Central A3, I wouldn't not have grown to be the person I am today without you. To every single person I was privileged to serve with, THANK YOU. You guys don't know how much you've touched and moved me. And lastly to YFC- MTQ, great things are coming, prepare your hearts for God's never ending greatness."

Much much love


  1. There's no need for goodbyes because family is forever.

    1. Well, true. But I did say goodbye to everything related to being a head. Will never walk away from A3. Not in this lifetime. :)
