Friday, July 6, 2012

Rising Higher

June 28 2012, was the launch of "Rising Higher" the book written by Kelly Williams. My friends and I made sure that we won't miss the launch and I made sure to grab a copy of the book and took the chance to have Kelly sign my copy as well. (insert fan girl smile here!)

I've long anticipated reading this book. I've always looked up to Kelly, more than his basketball skills, I am in awe of his faith. Hearing him speak during one of the victory parties of Talk N Text made me admire him even more. It could actually be said that I am almost always in tears whenever I hear/ read anything related to him, be it an interview or his own blog. There is just something in the way he phrases his words that moves me. So hearing about his book on his life made me all the more excited. I am not a fan of auto/biography books, but there are always exceptions right?

Some pictures from the launch! :)

Of rare days I'm in jeans.
L-R. Kam, my Sister, Yma and  Me
L-R. Royce, Yma, Me

The girls with Patricia Hizon
L-R. Kris, Royce, Bets, Yma, Kam, Mela, Patricia

With TNT coach and the writer of the Foreword, Chot Reyes
L-R. Kris, Yma, Royce, Me, Coach Chot, Kam, Bets, Joy

With Kelly himself. :)
L-R. Bets, Yma, Kam, Kelly, Me, Royce, Joy and Kris

To my excitement I actually was able to finish this book in one sitting or well maybe two. You see I'm not exactly a fast reader but his book is so engaging and in written in such a conversational manner that you'll really have a hard time putting the book down. You wouldn't want to miss a thing on how he managed to get through one situation after the other. I laughed, cringed and cried while reading it! His story is powerful and moving. While reading it he'll let you in his life when the lights are turned off, in his plain clothes. How he's coping up with having to deal with ITP for 3 years now as well as his 30-year life-journey, with all its his highs and lows, his "almost there" moments and eventually making it. He maybe one of the highest paid basketball players in the country but his story is unlike no other. Above all his story is centered on his faith, he shared how accepting Jesus changed his life.

If you're in need of some light in your life, a moment to see things in perspective, to stop for awhile and dig deeper, a moment to realize how blessed you are, how much loved you are and a moment when you can jump start your life to live with greater purpose then spare some time and pick Rising Higher.

Its not your typical autobiography book nor a sports book, but Rising Higher is all about life and how you juggle up all the rocks thrown at you.

Ultimately its about honoring God and Rising Higher.

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