Friday, July 6, 2012

Rising Higher v.02

When I started the previous post, I didn't realize it could end up as sort of a book review. I was originally planning to quote some of what Kelly had written, so anyway, I'm on to Part 2 of my Rising Higher Post, the one with the quotes.

The act of someone trusting my abilities helped me to see more in myself than the problems anger and bitterness.
I cannot allow anyone to dictate whether or not I achieve any degree of significance in this world or give anyone the power to discourage me from what I may want to accomplish in this life. 
Nothing worthwhile comes without some degree of sacrifice and honest work
It was no longer about trying to act like things were fine when my life was actually in shambles
One thing I learned was that men and women could have fun together without compromising morals when the right boundaries are in place
- Rising Higher, Kelly Williams, 2012
and there are so much more, I was just into the book that I pretty much forgot to jot down his words. Whoops!

So if you want more insights on life, then what are you waiting for, head down to the nearest FullyBooked store (and lets hope they already carry the book) and get yourself one! :)

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