Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy 22!

Despite things not going my way most of the time the past year, there are still more reasons to be thankful for. The past year has just given me a clearer idea of who I am and what I want to be. There are people in my life who have continously shown me how beautiful life is and how fulfilling living your dream could feel like.

There have been moments of frustration, doubts and fears but at the end of the day, there are more reasons to celebrate and just enjoy life. One thing I learned from the past year is that life is all about your perception towards it.

Now that I am starting a new year in my life, there will be more challanges and at the same time more oppprtunities for me to push myself further and become a better person. May this coming year teach me how to be more patient and trusting, fearless and courageous and most importantly trusting and faithful. May this year also be another year where I could share more of me to other people. I pray that this year will be a year of hope and visions coming to reality.

With this I dub my 22nd year as the year of 'conquering fears and realizing dreams'

Really excited and looking forward to how 22 will feel like! May you (yes, to whoever is reading this) stick and hang around with me as I experience all of this! :)
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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

PhilPOP Experience Part 1

This post is just part 1, because I feel that there'll be more thoughts about this whole experience. 

A few weeks ago my friend asked me if I could help out in adjudicating for this years set of Philpop entries. I  was more than happy to do so. I haven't been that pre-occupied in such a long time, so it was indeed a good break to have. Plus I already felt that it would be so much fun, but seriously I had no idea of what was going to happen.

The whole adjudication process took 6 days and had 4 rounds. For the first 4 days the adjudicators, had to trim down the 3,383 entries down to the top100 for the next round of adjudication.We only had short breaks in between just to rest our ears, clear the mind and stretch a little, grab some food to eat and back to work. It was like a system that was slowly creeping on each of us. We didn't even notice the time, we relied on what page we were and what song number we were listening to, to track down how long have we been in it. And oh, for the person with ADD, I had to sit down for hours, trying to contain myself as much as possible. One of the more challenging things I had to deal with, ever!!!  

For the first two days we were divided into 2, so we could cover more ground. I was part of the second group which can I just say, is such a great crowd to be with! We all started a little tensed since everyone was trying to measure how each of us 'work' . But as time progressed or should I say, as more songs were played we got the hang of it, we became a lot more comfortable with each other and had an actual system working for us, the feel became more relaxed and that was when the fun really started. Sadly most of what happened had to remain in the 4 corners of the room. 

On the third and fourth day, the groups were merged. Double the fun, double the pressure as well. The future of these songs are in their hands. Once it didn't make the cut, the chance of being in the top 12 were also gone. And it is amazing how this group of adjudicators were able to listen and single out the entries and pick those that really had the best potential in them and the future looked promising.

The following day, we also had to go through the same process to cut the top 100 to top 30. I have to say though that there were surprise entries in there and it was a pleasant/ welcome surprise. On our last and finally day we finally had to let go of some of the good songs, to have the top 12. If only we can squeeze everyone in the 12 and if only rules were followed from the very start!!! 

Since we're at the topic of the Top 12 now, can I just say that I'm so happy that some of my personal bets made it! Some of them have been my bet from the very start as in when I first heard the song while the others just grows on you after awhile. There were also songs that we wished we met the composers just because of how interesting their songs were. This top12 is as good as it gets! I, who have heard it for at least thrice already still wants to listen to these songs over and over again, its how good these songs are you'd definitely want more!!! These songs have this certain appeal and charisma that got them to the top. I can't wait for everyone to hear the full songs, and who will be interpreting which song. Anyway, here's the snippets of the Top12 songs who made it. Enjoy and take your pick.

Going in this whole thing I personally didn't know what to expect and how to deal with these people. Singers/ songwriters/ producers is super out of my league, and most of them are way older than I am. I needed time to warm-up but once we started at it, boom. I personally thought that we weren't only able to accomplish the task at hand but we were also able to form friendships in the process and I guess that was the best gain in this whole experience. I super enjoyed the 4 days that I was having problems letting go of them, even days after. Yup, I even went to the 3rd round adjudication even if  I wasn't supposed to. Ganun ako kaexcited for the results and ganun din ka-attached at the same time. But what I loved most about this experience was how I saw the top 12 unfold. How in the sea of thousands these songs stood out and spoke to their listeners. Its amazing how these12 songs excite me. You know how when you see a baby grow up and you feel elated that you witnessed a part of it, that's how I feel towards them. I could still remember our reactions when we first heard some of these songs and it makes me happy that even more people would be hearing it. For now we all just have to wait and see what's to come in the next couple of weeks. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Its ironic how I am surrounded by this much talent and yet there isn't even a single cell in my body that could sing. Life catches you off guard in the most unexpected time with the oddest of people. I came in only having to assist in the adjudication process not realizing the possibility of having new friends and gaining so much knowledge in the process. It may have been just 4 days but the whole experience is worth carrying around for always. There is no length in creating new friendships and the memories built within those moments always lasts. And this really is the beauty of life, the life changing surprises it showers us with. And yes, I do miss listening to their noise and the rush those 4 days had with them. This one is really for the books! Team Philpop!!! :)

Will write about the whole experience later. For now, let me reminisce on those 6 days!