Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy 22!

Despite things not going my way most of the time the past year, there are still more reasons to be thankful for. The past year has just given me a clearer idea of who I am and what I want to be. There are people in my life who have continously shown me how beautiful life is and how fulfilling living your dream could feel like.

There have been moments of frustration, doubts and fears but at the end of the day, there are more reasons to celebrate and just enjoy life. One thing I learned from the past year is that life is all about your perception towards it.

Now that I am starting a new year in my life, there will be more challanges and at the same time more oppprtunities for me to push myself further and become a better person. May this coming year teach me how to be more patient and trusting, fearless and courageous and most importantly trusting and faithful. May this year also be another year where I could share more of me to other people. I pray that this year will be a year of hope and visions coming to reality.

With this I dub my 22nd year as the year of 'conquering fears and realizing dreams'

Really excited and looking forward to how 22 will feel like! May you (yes, to whoever is reading this) stick and hang around with me as I experience all of this! :)
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