Thursday, April 5, 2012


I was going through my emails and I realized a ton of things. We do most of the things that we do from and with  inspiration. We are inspired by the smallest of things and the people around us.

I just realized that maybe the passion in me withered not because I lost interest, but maybe because I wasn't inspired enough. I wasn't inspired with the people I work with. There's just that certain magic that makes you feel good about it, makes you want to do the same things over and over again. Its the satisfaction, the happiness, the familiarity that you feel with the people around you that I miss feeling. I've never felt this way before, I don't know what happened, maybe because I just feel so dry right now. The fire I wish I could get from them isn't there. I don't wanna say that there is something wrong and maybe that they're the wrong people for me, but somethings are just not right. Maybe I don't fit in the situation too well, maybe its time to move on, maybe the magic isn't with these people anymore. I don't know. I just feel that all the doubting and not being able to trust is tearing me apart even more. Bottom line is, I need that certain influence on me by the people around me, not just as ordinary friends but that thing that makes you want to become a better person.

I don't know how to connect that previous paragraph to the next but all I want to say is that; so much of who we are is because of the people around us. We are who we are because of our families. In school, we tend to adapt certain things from our cliques and thats why there's such thing as peer pressure. The society even creates a psuedo-reality for us to believe in, which is powered by media and social media alike. Its safe to say that we really sort of have an influence with the people we spend most of our days with. Our mentors, teachers, parents, siblings, friends. We have a certain power over the people around us and its up to us on how to use it. Once you recognize that power, use it the way you should, by stirring people towards the good, making them feel good about themselves and wanting the best for that certain person.

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